And You And I...

Saturday, January 28, 2006

It might be funny but sometimes I think that You don't exist,I mean sometimes its hard to believe that someone exists somewhere else,even sometimes this distance is reduced to some blocks away,sometimes I can't believe that someone else is in the next block,though its further than You,I know I might look stupid but its silly that I tell You that I dont think you exist,if I dont think that you exist,so what am I writing to You?
I don't think its that important to think of...

All in all,we're just illusions
Maybe not,who knows?
I might write a the old days,you remember,huh?

Tuesday, January 24, 2006

روز سپندار مذگان

به همه توصیه می کنم که یه سری به لینک زیر بزنین در ضمن
کامنت ودین کامنت زور ودین

Monday, January 23, 2006

افتادم توپ

خب بچه هاي خوب، من افتادم توپ!!! حالا با اين نمره هاي شاهكار معدل شاهكاري هم خواهم داشت، تادرسي باشد براي شما كه در
دانشگاه بايد درس خواند،باشد كه پند گيريد (البته مي دونم كه نمي گيريد ) چي كار كنيم ما آدم (آدم؟؟؟) نبشيم
خب دوستان گرامي ترم آينده با درس شيرين رياضي 1 در خدمت شما عزيزان هستم و سعي خواهم كرد كه كمكي هم درس (چي ؟؟ درس ؟؟) بخوانم كه البته مي دونم كه تاثيري نداره ولي حالا محض خنده وخالي نبودن عريضه اين كار را...سعي مي كنم كه تا حدودي ...حالا گير ندين ديگه

پاشين برين خونتون

Saturday, January 21, 2006

When I am king you'll be pushed against the wall
And I'll wait to hear the sweet noise of bullets
The signs of wall will remind us after this
Of how sour death came to your lands
Here is my vote to the chosen one
And he will draw us all down

I forgot just what was there
A country?A nation?A rise of army?
Please wipe those fillers from the union wall
Those belong to long ago and their time is gone
What's this?A long bliss for our shattered nation?

When I'll be king you will get all of your rewards

Sunday, January 15, 2006

Do you know how pale & wanton thrillful comes death on strange hour???

unannounced, unplanned for like a scaring over-friendly guest you've brought to bed

Death makes us angels of us all and gives us wings where we had shoulders smooth as raven's claws

oh my god.........

Saturday, January 14, 2006


Two days ago me and some of my old friends went out to have some fun.This reminded me of konkoor days last year..You remember?Getting out from library just to have a drink and how long did it last?4 hours!!!!
Sometimes I think if I've studied more I could have got a better rank,and You tell me:"You are here,the course you want,the university you want"...
I wonder if people who know me knew who I was,how would they think?Madness? guess what it can be called?I don't know.
I don't know which world I belong to,the new "scientific" world or the old (or better to say ancient) "mystical" world,or maybe a mixture of it,I don't know if you've played the game "The longest journey".Its all about a girl who finds out that two world exists,Scientific or "stark" and Magical or "arcadia" and the balance between them is going to ruin down,by something named "chaos",I feel that "chaos" is going to catch me soon,I need to spend some time bringing back the balance..
I see,so many people are balanced easily,they've stuck to "stark",and a few of them to "arcadia",but I believe,thats not the true balance,even though I feel I belong to "arcadia" more than "stark" but...
All in all its a great nostalgia,still walking in the streets of the forgotten spa town,searching for lost Dominico...
We are all searching for Dominico...

Thursday, January 12, 2006

مي افتم!!!!!:((((

امروز امتحان داشتم و توپ خراب کردم...اینطوری که معلومه همه خراب کردن ولی
وقتی نتايج مياد معلوم ميشه این وسط من فقط گند زدم...
البته از قيافه ها پيدا بود که واقعا عده ی بسياااااار بسيااااار زيادی
خراب کردن...ميل ميگه اگه همه بد داده باشن نمره ها ميره رو نمودار و در يه ضريبی
ضرب ميشه...ولی خوب صفر مطلق در بی نهايت هم ضرب شه ميشه صفر!!!!!
ترم بعد من چی کار کنم؟؟؟ جون خودم ميخواستم معدلم پايين 16 نياد

Sunday, January 08, 2006

Shadow on the Water

There's a shadow lying on the water
Asking me if I've seen his body
He told me of a time when
shadows walked with their owners

After a while,shadow cries
Screaming that he hates the light
Waves appear on the water
Following everyone and another

Lights appear and someone calls me
Asking me if I've seen his shadow
He told me he was calling
For his shadow from the morning

I looked behind and what did I see
No more shadows are following me
Trapped in light and nowhere to go
I want to see again my shadow

Spirit of the Water

See the lights out on the water
Come and go,to and fro
In the time it takes to find them
You can live,you can die
And nothing stops the river as it goes by
Nothing stops the river as it goes..

All alone and all together
Everyday,come what may
By the time we find eachother
We can live, we can die
And nothing stops the river as it flows by
Nothing stops the river as it goes...

-Spirit of the Water,Camel,1977

دماق ؛ نه دماغ

اون دماغتو از تو صفحه بيار بيرون،ا هاليش نيستش ها...خيلی دماغت خوشگله هی مياريش
توی کادر،اصلاً ميدونی چيه،من ازت بدم ميد،از دماغت هم بيشتر از خودت بدم ميد،
آدم دماغتو ميبينه ياده قايق موتوری ميفته،دوست دارم با لقد بيام تويه دماغت
تا له و لورده شه،اونقد حال ميده...
حالا که ميبينم اونقد هم دماقت بد نيست،ميشه تحملش کرد...
خوب ديگه هر کی يه جور دماق داره....
اونقد هم دخنره بدی نيستی،حالا با هم صحبت می کنيم در موردش...
خوب پس قرارمون کی شد؟؟؟

Friday, January 06, 2006

I have exam:((

I have exam and I've not read more than three chapters,sometimes you need someone to put your head on her shoulder and cry,just to spoil yourself...
I feel in that way now...
I have exam :((

Thursday, January 05, 2006

Left in Rhyme

(Rain showers behind a closed glass door,the sound of a car comes in,the door lights up)
A:I think I've been left in rhyme..
B:Great point of view isnt it?
A:Where is that scream???
B:There are screams behind a silence here...
B:Near every one of us
B:Wanna hear them?
(sound of breathing behind the closed door,just a shattered view of dim light,sound of a car which egnites and leaves,scene fades)

to be honest,I dont know whats that,maybe a part of an unwritten scenario,its been a long time since I've not written any short stories,maybe I write one here....

هيچي هويجوري

پدرمون در اومد از دسته این فيزيک،واسه رياضی که ديگه بدبختيم رسما...
خوب من چی بگم الان؟ دارم با این فينگيليش به فارسی تايپ ميکنم ميخوام ببينم چطوره...
همين و بس،
پاشين برين خونه هاتون ديگه الافها
(اصلا حال نمي ده وبلاگت بازديدكننده نداشته باشه ولي بااين حال من به نوشتن مهم ها به انگليسي ادامه ميدم)

Sunday, January 01, 2006


Started at:7:29
